2 courses £24 3 courses £30

    • Christmas Starter

    • Acorn squash and Smokey bacon soup


      Freshly baked red onion and rosemary focaccia crispy bacon lardons, sour cream, chives, truffle oil
      (vegetarian available)

    • Natural Smoked haddock and butternut squash gratin


      Cave aged red Leicester and chive crust, fresh lemon

    • Scorched goats cheese (v)


      Beetroot three ways, cornbread croutons, balsamic shallots tomatoberries, pea shoots

    • Venison and mulled wine terrine


      Hampshire watercress, apricot, apple and peach chutney, pumpkin seed crackers

    • Christmas Main

    • Beetroot and squash wellington (vegan)


      Sautéed sprouts & new potatoes, kale pesto, baby carrots.

    • Cider cured sea trout


      Lobster sauce, crab meat, sea vegetables, wasabi caviar

    • Roast British turkey parcel


      Wrapped in bacon, cranberry stuffing.
      Served with, homemade cranberry, chestnut and sausage stuffing, slow braised sweet red cabbage, chantenay carrots buttered sprouts, chipolata sausage and our very special homemade red wine jus

    • Roast fillet of British lamb


      Prime cut of Best British lamb, served pink
      Served with, homemade cranberry, chestnut and sausage stuffing, slow braised sweet red cabbage, chantenay carrots buttered sprouts, chipolata sausage and our very special homemade red wine jus

    • Roast fillet of British pork


      Wrapped in smoked bacon, served pink
      Served with, homemade cranberry, chestnut and sausage stuffing, slow braised sweet red cabbage, chantenay carrots buttered sprouts, chipolata sausage and our very special homemade red wine jus

    • Whole baked citrus seabass


      Roasted lemon, fennel, samphire, roast vine tomatoe

    • Christmas Desert

    • Classic Christmas pudding


      Courvoisier brandy sauce, fresh redcurrant  (gluten free available)