Optional sides 3.50 Sautéed wild mushrooms Chunky chips or skinny fries with ketchup House salad with extra virgin olive oil

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8oz/Half Pound Minted British Venison Burger 14.55 All our burgers are homemade and served with smoked streaky bacon, mature cheddar, beef  tomato, gherkins, crisp little gem lettuce, seeded brioche bun, chunky chips, ketchup and our very special sweet spiced tomato relish.    

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8oz/Half Pound Minted British Lamb Burger 14.55 All our burgers are homemade and served with smoked streaky bacon, mature cheddar, beef  tomato, gherkins, crisp little gem lettuce, seeded brioche bun, chunky chips, ketchup and our very special sweet spiced tomato relish.  

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